The Guild Fly Tying Awards Scheme is an internal programme designed to provide members with the opportunity to develop their fly tying skills progressively at their own pace, test their fly-tying abilities against a national standard and ultimately receive a recognised award.

The scheme is meant to be informative, enjoyable and to encourage co-operation and camaraderie amongst those taking part. Participation is entirely voluntary. No branch or member is under any obligation to take part.

For more information about the Guild Awards Scheme, including a section on Frequently Asked Questions, please see our  Fly-Tying Awards Scheme page.

Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards

The Bronze, Silver and Gold awards are the foundation of this scheme. The syllabi are available electronically below – click on the relevant cover to open the PDF book.


Each booklet contains a list of all the materials required to tie the evaluation fly patterns. However, one of our members thought it would be helpful to set up a list of the materials for the Bronze flies, fly by fly – you can view the materials required in this alternative format by following this link.

Specialist Tying Awards

Also available is the first in a planned series of  Specialist Tying awards – Flies for Catching Grayling. This is available for completion by anyone who has obtained their Bronze level award.

Additional resources for instructors and assessors

Instructors and assessors can access the latest guidance below:

Assessor’s Guide

Instructor’s Guide